Friday, February 22, 2008

Take Your Own Advice

This evening, a friend asked if I was enjoying my internship. For anyone else wondering, I thought I might answer to the general reading public. "I wouldn't trade it for the world. Its difficult, but the pay is good." That's a joke, hopefully you laughed because there is a good chance if you are reading this, you probably contributed to my monthly income. There aren't that many hits on this blog, keep that in mind.*

But seriously, I wouldn't trade this time for any other year, except the one where Christ comes back. I know all of my posts are fun and games, full of laughter, frivolity, and boring nothingness, however on occasion our team, like a Cairo chariot taxi, forgets to watch the road for speed bumps and crashes over the crooked concrete mountains with little padding to absorb the stunt landing. That's hard for a team to work through when we go so hard, so fast, with so much momentum, for so long. It is only God that maintains control of this team, with such a multifaceted set of personalities. We are perhaps the most heterogeneous group I've ever been apart of (as if I have so much life experience to draw from in all my vast 4 years in any kind of workforce). Many days we are water to each other's oil spill, but there is an occasional moment once a month when someone actually sprinkles a tad of cinnamon on the group's proverbial toast (its a new proverb I'm starting).

All this to say, some days are more difficult than we wake up expecting. That ever happen to you? You must be in Egypt, too. Or human. Being both human and in Egypt, I decided to go take a look back at some of my older blog posts. Its always a fun exercise, kind of like getting your essays from high school or early college and rereading those. Great source of cathartic laughter for me. In my satisfaction to simply reminisce, recollection of the last blog I kept knocked on the door of my brain; they dropped by just to say hello. In the midst of the chuckles and giggles, and even floor-rolling, riotous cackling at a younger self, glimpses of maturity and hope costumed shy brilliance in early grammatical structures and adapted adopted images. Here is some of what I found:

P.S. - This ain't no picnic. Suit up, soldier.

Does it take more heart to lay yourself on the table to be exposed and vulnerable to the possibility of rejection, dismissal, estrangement, or forsaken?

Question of the hour: When God made the animals, did He give them gender? If He did not give them gender then did Adam only name half of the species and the other half later after He created Eve? To put it simply which came first female animal or human? I would like to know if anyone has an answer to this query? (this one cracks me up)

I think it is completely appropriate in our Anglo-Saxon Protestant churches that the "body" of our blonde haired, Swedish Jesus is a white cracker. In black churches, is the Bread of Life still a "cracker"?

What if we never acted superficial in anyway, ever again?

That's when God whacked me in the head with a two-by-four. Or my car door. Not really but that would have been a way cooler story. But, it was at this point when I sat in the seat of my car, inserted the key into the ignition, then realized that I am going to Hell. I recognized the insidious thoughts that I just allowed to waltz right behind my eyes. On occasion I physically slap myself. I didn't this time but it would have been a good to do so.

To all those who think I think too much, I think you are correct But this will not change how much I type. So, if you do not like the length of my entries, please by any means, do not read them. I will try to make an effort at being brief. (We'll see how that goes.) (I was unsuccessful, as you may have guessed.)

This was somewhat like flipping back through an old photo album for me. I hope you enjoyed this trip down It was a great source of entertainment for me. I forgot about everything else that was going on, including a need to go to sleep. I motion that this meeting of minds recess until further notice. I second. Motion granted.

*But that means those who did contribute were rather generous. I thank you deeply.

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